Feb 15, 2013

Cheesy Chili-Mac Muffins!

                   Cheesy Chili-Mac Muffins!


1 box of Mac-n-Cheese (and 1/4th cup of milk and 4tbsp of butter)
2 reg cans of chili ~ Hormel has really good vegetarian chili, also you can get spicy chili too
Sharp cheddar cheese
2 tubes of biscuits (get this kind so you can peel one biscuit into halves)


-Make the Mac-n-Cheese to your liking
-Put the 2 cans of chili into a pot and get it all warmed up so it's easy to spoon out
-Open the biscuit tube (ITS REALLY SCARY!!) and pull out one biscuit and half it by peeling it apart from the middle
-Spray some oil in your muffin tins
-Preheat oven to 350
-Lay the biscuit dough in the tin and use your fingers to squish the dough up the sides, make sure there isn't any air bubbles underneath.

-Spoon in the mac and cheese, put a chunk of cheese on that, then spoon in the chili and put more cheese on top 

-Put in oven for about 20-25 minutes to get the dough crispy
-Let cool in the pan for a bit and a big thin spoon works the best to take them out

and then your done! 

Mar 20, 2011

Verde Veggie Enchiladas :)


13x9 Baking dish
15 corn tortillas
Green enchilada sauce (I used Las Palmas Green Chile Enchilada Sauce)
2 cups shredded Mozzarella 
2 Pasilla/Poblano peppers, chopped
1 medium sized onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 can of black beans, rinsed
Sea Salt

Saute peppers, garlic, onion together on med-high til they are browned a little, then add the beans in at the end just to warm them up. Pour some green sauce in the bottom of the baking dish and put the tortillas in there to soak for a few minutes so they are pliable. Then spoon the veggie mix into the tortilla and roll them up and line them all in the baking dish. Pour more sauce on top!! sprinkle on the cheese and drizzle more green sauce. Then Bake at 350 for like 40 minutes or until cheese is all bubbly. Drizzle tapatio on top :)

Other ingredients to add if you want:
Bell peppers

Mar 17, 2011

Vegan St. Patty's Day Mashed Potatoes

5 or 6 potatoes of your choice, I used russet.
Olive oil
4 fresh garlic cloves
1 onion
Bragg's all purpose seasoning
Sea salt
Green food coloring
3/4 cup plain soymilk

Clean and cut up potatoes into 2 inch cubes, let them boil. Then pour olive oil in pan so it fills the bottom. Slice up your onion and garlic reallllly little and saute for a while. Add the Braggs in their too. 

Potatoes are done when you can stick a fork in them and it falls off the fork.....

Add the green food coloring to the soymilk and add that to the potatoes. and MASH.

Then add the sauteed onions and garlic and therrrrrrrre ya go!

Feb 19, 2011



Yellow cake mix in a box
1 banananana
1 egg
1/3 cup veg oil
Red fruit roll ups
White chocolate
White frosting
Green, Red, White, Yellow gummy worms
green, red, yellow, blue food coloring
Round cake pan
Pizza Box

Bake the cake in a round cake pan, if you can get a 12" cake pan thats awesome, I only had a 9" pan so it was kinda small....and use 1 banana and an egg instead of 3 eggs in the cake mix. After cake is done, just flip the cake pan over into the pizza box so the bottom of the cake is up, so it gives it a better crust. The cake will probably crack, but that okay, just fill it with frosting.

Make red frosting with the food coloring and spread that on, but leave a centimeter un-frosted around the edge so it has a crust.

Chop up, or grate the white chocolate for the cheese, leave a centimeter of red frosting around the edge of that too. If you want to get fancy, put that back in the oven so the white chocolate kinda melts.

Pepperoni: Get a shot glass and stamp out circles from the fruit roll up.
Olives: Make black frosting by mixing all the food colorings together, put it in a ziploc and bite a tiny hole out of the corner and make little circles.
Onion, Green peppers, yellow peppers: cut up the gummy worms in strips.

aaaaaand decorate :)

Worst picture ever, sorry.

Jan 27, 2011

Vegan Soyrizo Breakfast Taco's--Inspired by Beth

Listen to The Sonics, "Have Love, Will Travel"


3 small golden potatoes sliced up (any tater will work)
Half tubey of Soyrizo
Small onion, cut up
1 or 2 cups of mushrooms
salt, pep, olive oil
Corn tortillas
for unvegan sauce: sour cream and tapatio mixed together. its the shit. 

First get your taters frying in some olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper. After they are half done add the onion and mushrooms. When all that is almost done cooking, add the soyrizo and brown everything up and break everything down with the spatula to smaller pieces. 

warm up tortillas and fill :)

Jan 25, 2011

Healthy/Quick/Easy/Menu of the Day for busy girls/TIPS

Ok so it is HARD to eat healthy!! and I know a lot of people are trying to lose weight, but just don't know how... So I came up with a menu for the day full of yummy, healthy snacks and meals that will keep you satisfied all day and totals under 1,500 calories for the day. And I know it's hard to go shopping to get fresh fruit and veggies, but it's a MUST to lose weight. Also, I totally homemade all of this stuff and brought it to work with me, and cooked it at home, and this was my actual menu for the day :)

Here we go...

7:30 am

Half a ziploc of fresh blueberries on the way to work (80 cals)


11:00 (I am totally not a breakfast person, I usually eat most of my calories in the evening time, if you are a night owl that's usually the case, but if you are an early bird usually the most consuming goes on in the morning)

2 packs of regular, non sweetened instant oatmeal (200)
Mixed in: 1 banana, tbsp of honey, cinnamon (200)
(I made the oatmeal, cut up banana, ate it and washed the bowl and was back at my desk in 17 minutes)

Ziploc of Fresh grapes (100)


Toasted seaweed snack (30)

5 PB MmM's that Ed gave me.. (50)

3:30 pm

Green tea and honey (60) sooo tired after work uggghhhh


Tuna Salad w Spinach

Pink can of tuna from trader joes (120)
Splash of olive oil (60)
1/4 onion (20)
salt pepper and tapatio
mix it all up and put over a bowl of a cup of spinach w balsamic vinegar (20)

Tangelo (60)

Thats only 1000 Calories so far!!!! 

6:30 pm

Jogged/ran/walked for 45 minutes with a friend. 

7:15 pm

Banana (100)
Handful of grapes (50)

9:30 pm (told you I'm a night owl)

12 sauteed shrimp in olive oil (200)
sauteed mushrooms (20)
glass of water

=1370 that's prettttty good! and I felt VERY satisfied all day long, never hungry. 


Prepare a healthy lunch and snacks the night before work so you don't wake up at the last minute, and get to work like FUCK I AM starving!!! and then rummage through your supervisors snack drawer and grab a hersheys to tie you over til your break and then run to the closest taco shop and order the fattiest burrito ever, because I have toootally done that like 100 times. 

While making your healthy dinner, be sure to make 2 servings so you can save some for a healthy lunch the next day :)

Drink water duh....half the time you feel hungry, it's because you are thirsty, because food=water, and your brain is smart and fools you. 

I only shop at Trader Joe's and Fresh n Easy... it is cheap and most veggies are in little packs already so it's super easy to grab. 

ONLY BUY healthy things....if you BUY a giant bag of frozen tater tots AND broccoli...then come on people we're gonna eat the damn taters first!! and by the time we eat through the whole bag of tater tots, the broccoli is moldy and we throw it away.... totalllly done that too hahaa. so next time, no taters...or chocolate..or cheesecake, whatever your weakness is. 

There is a difference between 100 calories of blueberries and a 100 calorie pack of cheetos. Blueberries are wayyyyy easier to burn off, so in turn you will lose way more weight. 

Don't drink soda or gatorade, milk, or any juice thats not 100%, those are just wasted calories and they don't even make you feel full. Water and 100% fruit juice, tea and coffee (sometimes) are the only liquids we should be drinking. 

Email me if you have any questions about recipes or anything regarding nutrition or weight loss or calories or whatever!!! :)

Jan 13, 2011

CJ's Eggplant Casserole Thing

Totally stole this recipe from my neighbor CJ...but it's sooo flippin good that I had to share it.

1 medium eggplant, sliced 1/2 inch
3 small onions, chopped
4 Garlic cloves, chopped (the more the better)
2 eggs
100 pounds of mozzarella cheese
Salt, pep, olive oil
1 cup raw Spinach (if you want)
I jar of your fav spaghetti sauce (I like any flavor from Barilla)
9x9 Casserole dish

Preheat oven to 400. Saute half of the garlic and onions with the olive oil and dip the sliced eggplant in a bowl of mixed up raw eggs. then place the eggplant around on the top of the pan, so the eggplant cooks with the garlic and onion to soak in the flavors...it should look like a little pancake thing. flip and fry eggplant on both sides. Get your casserole dish ready with a thin layer of spaghetti sauce on the bottom. Then put the first layer of eggplant down along with all the onions and garlic. Put some salt and pepper on top, with another thin layer of sauce. Then put a 50 pound layer of grated mozzarella. Then lay down all of your spinach and then repeat with a second layer of sauteed eggplant, onions and garlic. Then dump the rest of the sauce on top, put more pepper on top and the other 50 pounds of cheese. Bake for like 30 or 40 minutes until eggplant is tender and cheese is bubbly.

 I made the vegan version, which is also good, just no eggs and cheese. I was trying to be healthy...whats wrong with me.......aaaaaand you definitely need some bread with this because it is really juicy :)

This is CJ....He is blind in his left eye :(

CJ always gets a sourdough baguette and cuts it open long ways and makes garlic toast it and makes a sandwich out of it!! Seriously like the best god damned thing I have ever eaten, and it's not because I was high. 

Jan 10, 2011

"it's a pity I can't get you"

Stuffed Mushrooms!

I went to a vegetarian Thanksgiving pot lock and the theme was finger foods, and I'm like WTF am I gonna make!?!?!

18 Crimini Mushrooms
1 pack of smoked Gouda cheese
1 Cup Veggie Sausage crumbled and cooked
Bread crumbs mixed with Parmesan cheese
1/2 onion sauteed
Olive oil

Preheat your oven to 350ish. Brown and Sautee the veggie sausage along with onion. Cut up the cheese in cube-ish pieces and microwave so they are soft. Gouda doesn't melt. Then mix the sausage/onions/cheese up well. OH YA a tip on taking the mushroom stems off...just grab the stalk and twist realllllly slow while kinda pushing in a little and you will feel it click and thats when you know its off. Then stuff in the mix in the mushroom and if you have a mini cupcake dish, the mushrooms fit PERFECTLY in there!! if not, a regular baking dish is fine but it's hard to make them all stand up. So pour a olive oil in the bottom and put the bread crumb mix on top and bake until mushrooms are tender!!


Healthy Breakfast

I read this book once called "Skinny Bitch", it's a must read if you are trying to lose weight and be healthy. They say that eating fruit for breakfast is the best thing you can do. It kick starts your metabolism and when your first meal of the day is healthy, better the chances are the rest of your day is healthy too. 

Soooo..... Try this :)

1 Banana
5 Strawberries
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup black berries (if you can find some)

Cut up everything into bite size pieces and drizzle honey on top and mix!!! It makes you feel so good and refreshed. And almost instantly you can hear your intestines gushing around cuz they love it so much! You can also add Kiwi, granola, plain yogurt or pickles, do whatever the fuck you want!

pic was taken in Mexico when I made it por mi papa

Nov 21, 2010

Spinach and Tuna Salad (pescetarian)

Music to listen to while making this: The Searchers, "Needles and pins"


1 can of Albacore tuna (pink can from Trader Joes is the best)
1 small onion, chopped up
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Salt Pepper
Half Avodaco, sliced up
Blue Corn tortilla chips
1 tomato, or cherry
Raw mushrooms
Sharp Cheddar cheese

FIrst make the tuna salad. Get the onion, tuna, salt, pepper, tapatio, and a little bit of olive oil and mix it all up (put whatever else you want in it) and set in fridge.

Then the salad.....Spinach first, then slice the tomatoes up and set them around the edge of the bowl along with the mushrooms and avocados.

Then in the middle dump your tuna salad in the middle. and sprinkle your cheddar cheese on top with the mildly crushed up chips.

For the dressing.. I just got a shot glass and filled it with 1/4 olive oil and the rest balsamic vinegar and poured it in the bowl that the tuna was sitting in and mixed it up in there and poured it on top.


Nov 7, 2010



fuckin mozzarella cheese
fuckin pizza sauce
fuckin dough (I used wheat)
fucking mini muffin pan
and some fuckin oil

Preheat oven to fuckinnnnn 450......
Put a little bit of oil on the bottom off all the muffin holes......
Put a little bit of dough on the bottom so it covers the bottom.....
Dab the sauce in with a spoon....
Put a bunch of cheese on top......

Put them in the oven...............

wait til cheese is alllll bubbly, like about 6-8 min, and then stick a knife under and check the dough to see if its done. The crispier the better :)

and of course dip them in ranch and tapatio :) :) :) :) :)

Oct 30, 2010

Goat Cheese-Tomato Appetizer


Roma tomatoes
Goat Cheese (I used Silver Goat)

Just slice up the tomatoes, then salt and garlic them, and plop a chunk of goat cheese on and pepper the top! So good, I ate like 100!!!

Oct 12, 2010

Veggie Bacon Wrapped Asparagus

First make some of that Cinnamon coffee I was talkin' about........THEN

get these ingredients:

Morning Star veggie bacon strips
Asparagus spears


Get some oil hot in a saute pan and throw your asparagus spears in there, and pepper! Get them kinda crispy all around and set them aside to cool down enough to handle. Get your veggie bacon out and it takes one strip of bacon for one spear. Attach a corner of the bacon to the asparagus by a toothpick and wrap it at an angle all the way up the spear and attach the other end of the bacon with another toothpick. Put a little more oil in the same pan and get hot, and throw in all of the bacon wrapped asparagus. Fry until crispy all around! 

This is a good side dish, it could go good with cheddar cheese melted on top, or with mashed potatoes. 

Honey Cinnamon Coffee


There is this really good Coffee Shop by my house called Gelato Vero, they have really good coffee, gelato, cheesecake and cool/nice employees. I go there all the time and get this one drink called the "Cafe Miele" it's pretty much a honey cinnamon latte. thats where I got this idea from but instead of a latte.. just coffee.

FIRST, you put about a tablespoon of cinnamon in the coffee filter and then the coffee grounds in a regular coffee maker... So after you have hot cinnamon coffee........put a lot of honey in the bottom of your coffee cup and melt the honey with your hot coffee. At this point go steam your milk/soymilk (or microwave it if you are normal) and put in how ever much you want. 

ITS SOOOO GOOD!!!!! Don't you wish you had cheesecake to go with it?? Oh ya and it's just as good iced!!!! (don't heat up the milk and then put ice in it)


Oct 7, 2010

Mini Chocolate-Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches :)

First, turn on a Thee Headcoatees and The Damned mix on your Itunes.....and make a cup of green tea with soy milk..


1 tube of your fav Chocolate Chip cookie dough tube or if you are super amazing and have time, make homemade cookies.
1 tub of your fav Chocolate Ice cream

So, preheat your oven to 3fitty. Get your tube out and it's easier if the dough is frozen cuz you have to cut it up. I cut 3/4 inch slices from the dough and then cut those into 4 to make the cookies lil babies.. 

Bake those and keep an eye on them... just when you think they need a couple more minutes, take them out because they keep cooking on the pan. Then when they are cool, PUT THEM IN THE FREEZER and get them COLD. Because dumbshit over here put the ice cream on them when they were still kind of warm and the ice cream melted all over the other sandwiches in the freezer... So make sure the cookies are cold, flip half of them over and spoon a scoop of ice cream on them and make little sandwiches and put in the freezer right away. DUH. This would be really good too with vanilla too. These are so fun to make!

Sep 29, 2010

Creamy Sweet Potato Soup (Veg)

FIRST----pour a glass of red wine, start drinking it, and turn on some HOOOODOOOOOO GUUURRUUUUUUUS!!!

5 or 6 small sweet potatoes, 1 inch cubes
4 red potatoes, quartered
2 medium onions
garlic powder
Lawry's seasoned salt
1 cup of plain soy milk
Fake bacon (Morning star brand, 5.25 oz)

Get a big soup pot, put in olive oil in the bottom and get it hot. Cut up sweet potatoes, 1onion, and potatoes and throw those in the hot oil and let them saute a little bit. I put a bunch of garlic, salt and some cumin in there while it's saute-ing. Let it saute for about 5-10 minutes until your kitchen starts to smell good. Then I added 2 1/2 cups of water, and a cup of plain soy milk and add all the spices you want......................................

I added a bunch of pepper at this point, don't cover. Let boil for a good 25 minutes, then mash!! While you are boiling, cut up an onion and get about half of the slices of bacon out of the pack, and cut up into small pieces and sauté until browned............

After boiling taters for 25 minutes, mash them up and pour 2 more cups of water in the pot and the browned bacon and onions...let simmer until it thickens up to your liking :)

Sep 27, 2010

Potato-Sausage Bake

This is kinda the same as the other one, but I added veggie sausage and made it spicy and put asiago cheese on top instead of pepperjack.......


5 red potatoes, bite sized
1 yellow squash, bite sized
1 1/2 cups of mushrooms
1 onion, 
2 veggie sausage links( or real sausage if you're gross), cut up bite sized
Tapatio for spice
parm cheese
bread crumbs
cumin, salt, pepper, garlic
olive oil
asiago cheese

Saute the veggies and sausage together on med-hi for like 7 minutes so that they are crispy on the outside but not all the way done cuz you still have to bake them.... just before putting that into a casserole dish ( I used 8 x 8) sprinkle parm cheese and bread crumbs and coat all the veggies, bake at 450 for 30 minutes with foil on top, then take the foil off and bake for about 10 more minutes. Then add the asiago cheese and more bread crumbs on top and melt! so it gets all cheesy and crispy on top. :) :) :) :) 

Sep 22, 2010

Spicy Veggie-Sausage Pizza


A cheese pizza (I got a frozen one from Vons because the pizza place by my house RAN OUT of pizza for some goddamn reason, or you can home-make yours)
2 Veggie sausage links (I get the name brand Trader Joe's kind)
Parmesan Cheese
Olive oil

Before sticking the pizza in the oven, cut up the links in lil' pieces and saute in a frying pan with some cooking oil.. then add sriracha to taste.. then let that cook up......then right as your ready to take out the sausage put a crap load of parmesan cheese so it covers the sausage, it will stick to the pan at this point so get your spatula and scrape it around til its all covered. Then cover the top of the frozen pizza with it and bake!!!!! I added a lot of ranch on top because it's...like...wayyy...bettter. I ate half of this pizza for dinner, and the rest for breakfast :):):):):):)

Sep 20, 2010

PBJ and Banana Nachos :)

This is really good for breakfast :)


3 slices of TOASTED wheat bread, cut up into triangles
Your fav Jelly
2 Nanners

Lay the trianglebread on a plate close together, warm up the PB a little in the microwave and drizzle it on first, then spread the jelly on and mix it up in the PB if you want. Then slice the nanners up and put those on top!!! This is like the best thing ever!!!!

Mashed Potato PIE!!!!

This takes a while :P


Like 3 big russet potatoes, or like 6 or 7 red potatoes
2 cups of mushrooms, sliced
Large onion, bite sized
A couple of zucchini, bite sized
Salt, pep, garlic
1 cup of plain soy milk
Olive oil

Boil the taters and make your mashed potatoes with the olive oil and soy milk instead of real milk and butter. way healthier fatties!! While boiling the taters, saute the rest of the veggies with olive oil and salt, pepper, garlic or whatever other spices you like... In the casserole dish do a layer of taters about 1/2 way, then spread all the veggies in a layer and then put the rest of the taters! This is totally vegan, except I topped mine with a shit load of cheddar cheese, but you don't have to do that :)

Then bake it for like 20 minutes or if you put cheese on top, until it gets bubbly. 


Ranch and Sriracha...DUHHHHHHHHHH

You know what else is really good?? Ranch and TAPATIO!!!!!!!!

Sep 18, 2010

Spicy n' Crunchy Mac n' Cheese (veg)

Ok this is a way to make your Kraft box of mac n' cheese WAY BETTER!!!!!


Box of mac n' cheese and stuff to make that
Cup of Lay's Jalapeno potato chips, crushed up
Like 2 cups of real chedder cheese

Ok so just make your box of mac n' cheese like normal, then add a cup of cheddar cheese in the pot and mix it, then dump that into a baking dish. Then sprinkle the crushed up chips on top of the mac...then sprinkle the other cup of cheddar on top of the chips. Then bake til cheese is bubbly :):):):)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake

Ok this one is kind of easy....

All you do is get a box of chocolate cake mix (I get dark chocolate cake mix even though I hate the taste of dark chocolate because for some reason it's way more moist and chocolatey, doesn't taste like dark chocolate at all..just try it) anyways....then get a tube of cheapo choc chip cookie dough and after you follow the instructions for the cake and you are about to put it in the oven, drop big hunks of cookie dough (only half of the tube) in the cake batter..... then as the cake is cooking, bake the rest of the cookies. When you are done icing the cake just put the cookies on top, you can break them up like I did or leave them whole, or stick them in there so they stick up like shark fins, that would be way cooler!! ugh why didn't I think of that sooner!? oh well.... OKAY ENJOYYYYYYY

Potato and Squash Bake (veg)

Cook Time: 35 min


2 red potatoes
2 small yellow squash
Handful of mushrooms
1 onion
Parmesan cheese
Salt, pepper, garlic
Bread crumbs
Pepper Jack cheese

Cut up potatoes, onions, and squash into bite size pieces and saute all the veggies until almost done, (we still have to bake it) then sprinkle the veggies with parm cheese and enough bread crumbs to lightly cover the veggies, then mix it alllllllll together and put in a low baking dish. Cover with a bunch of pepper jack and put in oven til the cheese gets crispy :):):):) soooo gooooooood. That will probably feed 2, or 1 if you are a lardo like me :)